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根據妳的需求與目標 ➡️ 訂製妳專屬的健身舞蹈課!
不論妳是初學者還是忙碌的媽媽,加入企業高階主管 & 明星名媛的行列,來參加 Katie 一對一 / 小班制的私人課程吧!
透過 Katie 的私人課妳可以:
get a workout that both challenges you and leaves you feeling successful no matter your dance and fitness level
improve balance and coordination
learn how to dance with more skill, grace, and emotion
Practice loving your body
make time for yourself to relieve stress from daily life
have an absolute blast while moving around with Katie ( and your friends in a private group class! )
dance to a personalized playlist
feel more confident in your body
Katie 的私人課程
ideal for you
if you
enjoy personal encouragement and feedback
need additional motivation to stick with your fitness goals
want to learn dance skills and increase your fitness level at your own speed rather than being rushed (or slowed ) by a group class
have a busy schedule and want to maximize your time
feel insecure dancing in a group of people
not for you
if you
want a “quick fix” or shortcut for your fitness goals
are not interested in building a personal connection built on mutual respect, communication, and commitment
prefer a crowded “club-like” dance party ( see WAO’s class!)
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